How to Capture More Sales Through Better Lead Engagement

Every real estate agent wants to boost their sales numbers. The problem is this: too many agents stick to outdated strategies for nurturing leads, and their sales numbers take a hit in the process. So how can you capture more sales through better lead engagement? We’ve spent the last few years tinkering with lead generation strategies, and we came up with a proven list of ways to nurture your leads into successful sales.

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Avoiding Thin Content on Your Site

Ever since Google’s Panda Update last year, many website owners have become concerned about duplicate content–which they should be, but there is more to it than that.

At the heart of what Google does, is ensure that quality results are shown for searchers. Part of the drive behind the Panda Update was to eliminate not only duplicate content but also “thin content” that has little or no value.

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Website Construction: Internet Marketing For Real Estate Agents

Part 2: Search Engine Optimization Strategies 101

“This blog series is intended to be a walkthrough for setting up a lead-generating website. My goal is to get you thinking about ways to improve your site and enhance its performance. Each blog post will be centered on a specific part of website development that will help you grow your online business. Some posts will be more specific and advanced, while others will be more general and introductory.  Taken together, the posts in this series will offer valuable tips, regardless of where you are with the maturity of your website.”

Can SEO be measured, and can my site place in search engines even if it never has? The simple answer to this question is yes.  To get a more detailed answer, you first need to ask, “for what terms?” Not all terms are created equal, and the terms that are most achievable for you and will return the best placement aren’t necessarily the ones that you think they are.

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Where’s My Leads? – Measuring Your Online SEO Effort

Late last year I wrote about Understanding and Enjoying Your Analytics Data. The intention with that post was to try to bridge the gap between staring at data and making good decisions. Towards the end of the post, I touched on building a good relationship and trust with your Internet Marketer or SEO company as a whole.

This time, I want to explore more of that and look at measuring success and leads on your website or blog.

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Search Engine Giant Google Drops Its Real Estate Listings

Your Website Is Still Number One

Don’t be fooled by Google’s decision to eliminate real estate listings from its classified listings site. This doesn’t mean shoppers aren’t looking for homes online or the imminent collapse of real estate search forever! From the outside, this change to Google’s classifieds section, Google Base, sounds like a big deal (mostly because it is Google)! However, Google freely admits that their decision to make this change is a result of low usage and the increased development of agent website tools.

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Writing Good Content for Your Landing Pages

In a previous post this month we talked about your overall web strategy including social media and a blog to drive your target audience to your website, which is often the foundation upon which all your marketing is built. Spencer correctly pointed out that without satisfying your audience’s needs on your website, all these efforts can fall flat as visitors bounce from the site in quick time.  To prevent this, you need to think about patching the leaks on your website, both on your home page and deeper in.

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Facebook vs Blog: Where Should You Post Your Content?

This is the third installment of the Facebook for Business series.

As the number of businesses using multiple social media platforms continues to grow, the question frequently comes up:  Which content should go where?

Is it Facebook content or blog content?

Is it Facebook content or blog content?

The two platforms that provide the biggest source of confusion are blogs and Facebook. There is a purpose for both, and each is ideal for particular types of content. It is important to understand the intention of each of these channels.

So, should you put your next update in your blog or on your Facebook page?

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