4 Ways to Use Google Earth for the iPhone for Real Estate Internet Marketing

Tour de France Google Earth Maps

Image by plemeljr via Flickr

By now you’ve already heard about Google Earth coming to the iPhone. And yes, it’s awesome and fun and cool. But you’re a marketer at the end of the day so you’re looking to find a way promote your real estate or other business online using this newly enhanced tool. Before coming up with some internet marketing tactics that might be appropriate for the Google Earth-enabled iPhone, let’s look at a few concepts related to this combination of mapping and mobile technologies. Video after the jump.

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Track your search engine ranking improvement with a plugin for Firefox

Search engine optimization (SEO) is typically a pillar of any internet marketing strategy. Yesterday, I posted information about how you can save time assessing the effectiveness of your SEO efforts by using the Rank Checker for Firefox plugin. Another fan of Rank Checker decided it was time to make the search rank data a bit more visually appealing by creating a second plugin called Site Rank Reporter. It’s a handy way to visualize things, especially if you are charged with reporting to someone about the effectiveness of all your efforts to optimize your real estate web site.

The tool is quick to install, but comes with a few caveats.

  1. It’s only useful once you’ve collected multiple data sets. SeoBook suggests several days of data, but that would only be useful if you were tracking your work on a blog site that is indexed daily and therefore has a chance to improve daily. More realistic for a real estate web site would be monthly data. You can put Rank Checker on auto-pilot and then visit the data in a few months.
  2. Your .csv data files need to be named carefully, with only the date as the file name in one of these file name formats: MM-DD-YY, M-D-YY, MM-D-YY, or M-DD-YY.
  3. You can’t muck with the data that came from Rank Checker. Make a copy of the original file If you want to play with the data in Excel.
  4. The .html format of the data that you can save is nicely styled and saves you time from formatting the raw data in Excel.
  5. It’s not possible to save the graphed data unless you take a screen capture. And that graph is not labeled with the keyword — it’s displayed above in a list field. To make the visual representation more useful, I hope the developers will develop an output that is labeled and can be downloaded as a .gif file. That way, the file could be included quickly in a PowerPoint or other report to the folks who are footing the bill for all that search engine optimization!

See how your real estate web site’s SEO is performing: use Rank Checker for FireFox

Are you tired of spending time typing in your preferred keywords on Google or Yahoo to see where your real estate web site is positioned on the search engine results page (SERP)? If you’re below page two, this can be a real time drain and take up a lot of your search engine optimization (SEO) time . If you have several keywords to check, it can be an even BIGGER hassle. Whenever you want to see if your efforts at SEO are paying off, simply use Rank Checker to get the data.

The folks at SeoBook have made our lives easier with a fantastic Firefox plugin called Rank Checker. I’ve been using this tool since July and couldn’t live without it. Even though it’s easy to install and use, SeoBook’s Aaron Wall has made it even easier by creating a 5-minute video to tech you how to install and use it. I highly recommend taking the 5 minutes to view it.

Five Tips to make Rank Checker even sweeter

  1. You can cut and paste your list of keywords out of a spreadsheet and add them all at once, or you can type them one at a time.
  2. Be sure to save your list of keywords to the preset folder. That way, you can run it any time you like with almost no effort.
  3. You can simply view the results on-screen, but even better is to download the .csv (comma separated value) file.
  4. Save that raw data file to it’s own folder as simply MM-DD-YY, M-D-YY, MM-D-YY, or M-DD-YY. (see tomorrow’s post to see why this is so important!) feel free to open the file in Excel and save it as a .xls file so that you can format and play with the information. Just don’t mess with the original CSV.
  5. Plan to run this once a month for three or four months so that you can observe the impact of your SEO efforts (changes to content, meta data, and inbound link building).

This is the second in a series of five posts this week on cool FireFox plugins to assist in optimizing your real estate web site. Yesterday’s post featured a Firefox plugin for easily adding images to your real estate blog. Tomorrow’s post will examine a cool (but somewhat tricky) plugin that helps Realtors visualize and report on the data they get from Rank Checker.


Your home page is not a doormat.


Image by David Wulff via Flickr

There are a lot of web sites out there with a home page like a door mat with a big frilly “Welcome” sign emblazoned into it. We all know how people use door mats, right? They wipe their feet on them and then go inside the building to accomplish their task. A piece of plastic carpet with the word “welcome” printed on it is just an inexpensive way of not meeting someone at the door and welcoming them yourself.

Now let’s think about the home page of a web site. Better yet, let’s think about the home page of your web site. If you have a “welcome” message on your home page, when was the last time you changed it? If you answered anything less than one month you can pat yourself on the back, if not, please read on.

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Internet Marketing Strategies for Real Estate: Listing Syndication

[For our readers who aren’t in real estate: this article might still be useful for you with little effort–whenever you see the word “listing” replace it in your mind with “marketing copy” or something similar]

There are a lot of questions and concerns about syndication of mls listing data in the real estate internet marketing space. Let’s start by looking a little bit at a listing and then approaching two potential strategies for using that real estate listing help market a property on the internet.

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Google Pagerank Toolbar update

This is for the SEO geeks among us. But it appears that Google has updated the Toolbar Pagerank this past weekend. I’m happy to note that the Union Street Media site is holding steady, that this blog debuted favorably and that our internal pages, like our real estate web design page, are also now earning more Pagerank than previously.

I’ll go into a little more detail about PageRank for those internet marketing folks who are just getting into SEO and all that after the break.

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Using the One-Click Real Estate Search Feature to Demonstrate Knowledge and Expertise

This post is part of Union Street Media’s submission for the Forrester Research Groundswell Award.

I would love it if you take time to write a review at the Groundswell site.

Name of Groundswell Entry:

One-Click Real Estate Search Feature

Name of Company Entering:

Union Street Media



Dates available to users:

December 2007 to present

What is the audience for the One-Click Real Estate Search Feature?

Real estate professionals looking to attract attention from consumers by demonstrating the the professional’s knowledge of consumer needs and property on the market.

What is the environment in which the One-Click Real Estate Search Feature operates?

Real estate marketing online has changed significantly in the past four years. One of the developments has been the rise of competition from other real estate professionals as well as the rise of real estate data aggregation sites.

Real estate professionals would like to attract as much of the initial attention of real estate consumers as possible. One advantage real estate professionals have over aggregation sites can be leveraged by demonstrating their knowledge of local markets.

What business problem does the One-Click Real Estate Search Feature solve?

Real estate professionals want to use their knowledge of their market to deliver the most appropriately customized search results for their clients. Existing generic MLS sites (sites containing all of the listing data for a particular geographic region as entered by realtors but lacking visual style or other customizations) typically do not offer this capability. Existing aggregation sites may not contain the most accurate information.

What are the business goals of the One-Click Real Estate Search Feature?

This feature was developed to help real estate professionals attract consumer attention by demonstrating the depth of their knowledge about their local markets to consumers. As with any business, efficiency is important. Use of the tool should require as little time as possible to yield the greatest benefit possible.

How does this feature work?

The feature begins by pooling data from the real estate professional’s MLS (Multiple Listing Service, a database of property information entered by realtors and maintained by an organization of realtors). This gives their site an advantage over national aggregators as MLS data is often perceived as more accurate and complete than that of aggregation sites.

After the MLS data is added to the system, a real estate professional can then enter in specific search criteria which is run against the MLS data. It is easy to create searches such as whether or not the property is suitable for equestrian use, architectural style, proximity to sports facilities and so on as well as for number of rooms or pricing or other non-specialized information.

Introductory or explanatory text can be added to the search to further demonstrate the real estate professionals knowledge about homes within the One-Click search.

The search query can be given any name which the real estate professional thinks is relevant, and then saved.

Once saved, a link to the search results is available from anywhere on the real estate professional’s web site. The search results page displays the text as well as the listings which are related to the search.

It is important to note that the creativity and knowledge expressed by the real estate professional in using local language and expressions can differentiate them from their local and regional competitors as well as national aggregation sites. It is also important to note that this language and expression is accompanied by presenting relevant information to consumers.

In list form, because I love lists:

  1. Import MLS system for most accurate data (automatic from our CMS)
  2. From the admin site create search filter
  3. From the admin site name the search filter
  4. Save and go about your day
  5. Someone finds your search result page

Two examples of how this all appears on a site, for a consumer: Wright Realty’s White Mountains Ski Homes One-Click Real Estate Search and Patton Property Group’s Bring on the Horses One Click Real Estate Search.

Business results of the One Click Real Estate Search feature:

First, some qualitative results. Here is what one of the users of this feature, Sean Bossie of Wright Realty, has to say:

“The diversity of use for this tool is at first very subtle and admittedly I overlooked its true strength by the apparent simplicity of it.

The “One Click” customized real estate searches we create offer our users the online experience they want–speed in searching and clear, targeted results. If a potential client is interested in purchasing a “log home near a river in the White Mountain National Forest” we can now create that very specific targeted search–rapidly reducing the time it would take this user to dig through hundreds of listings in numerous towns in order to read the detail view and find this particular home.”

The effect of this tool is magnified when combined with existing analytics tools such as Google Analytics. Again, from Sean Bossie:

“The use of these ‘Long Tail’ custom searches now allows even small firms like ourselves to use Pareto distribution strategies that the mega-marketing companies like Amazon and Netflix do. Not only does this help us reach ALL our potential client needs but it also leverages our search engine efforts with new, increased exposure for those ‘One Click’ searches.”

I particularly like how the combination of using Google Analytics to listen can be combined with using the One-Click Real Estate Search to present the right listings.

Now for some numbers.

One way to measure the results of using the One-Click Real Estate Search feature would be to look at the number of landings the One-Click Real Estate Search generates and multiply that number by the cost for a keyword buy in the general area. This would give us a sense of the value of the real estate professional’s knowledge which is now unleashed by the feature. The metric could probably be improved or refined but should serve as a useful indicator nonetheless.

Last month, Patton Property Group received about 630 landings on pages generated via the One-Click Real Estate Search feature. The average cost of an keyword buy in the appropriate real estate market is about $3.25. It would cost about $2,040 per month to deliver the same targeted traffic via Google Adwords.

Note: These measurements do not calculate the value of pleasing a consumer who arrived on the site via another source.

The One-Click Real Estate Search Feature is available as a component of the Union Street Media Real Estate Web Design CMS.


Week in Review Overload

Too… many…. great…. posts…. this…. week…. Here we go:

The future of SEO may require being your own middleman, according to O’Reilly. Hat tip to Drew Meyers.

The Bloodhounds make note that the hard part of doing web marketing is creating the content. Here’s a choice quotation:

“Just compare the quality and depth of content Amazon has around a $10 copy of Home Buying for Dummies to the average listing for a $500k ranch on Realtor.com.”

Joel Burslem gives the Consumer Reports real estate study some thought on Future of Real Estate Marketing.

In case you missed it, Union Street Media’s Adam Fullterton provides a strategic outline for integrating social media into your online marketing via a presidential metaphor.

A lot of us talk about transparency but at 1000Watt they ponder when it’s too much.

Rothamel cuts loose with a manifesto for the recently wired realtor.

I spend a lot of time thinking about real estate search and how to improve the experience. Marc Davisson nails it over at Inman.

Doing your own SEO instead of hiring Union Street Media’s excellent SEO for real estate pros? Better be prepared to deal with the SEO Ninjas.

Happy Friday: Is this house in your neighborhood? I hope you blog some more about it.
