How to Help Your Site out of the Google Sandbox

In my previous post I talked about the Google Sandbox and wanted to go into a bit more detail with this one about how to go about quickly getting back on track.

Many things can change on a site when it undergoes a re-launch. The design, navigation, page urls, internal link structure, domain name and entire Content Management System (CMS) might change. This means that search engines have to re-index the site and understand what has changed and how that should affect the site’s rankings.

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LinkedIn Launches New Feature: LinkedIn Today

LinkedIn recently launched a new feature called LinkedIn Today, which is a news aggregation and curation service. This service is far from “new” as many social media sites already curate news based upon what your friends have liked, shared or posted. LinkedIn Today features news stories that are selected and made prominent based on your industry interests, stories that are popular among members of your LinkedIn network, and stories that are popular across the entire LinkedIn network. This update makes LinkedIn extremely valuable for B2B marketers online and gathering industry related news.



Updates To Facebook Fan Pages

What Does It Mean For Internet Marketing?

Facebook Fan Pages are used by businesses to interact with their customers online.  This is the first time Facebook has rolled out changes that bridge the gap between personal and business pages. There are a few new features that will help you manage communication and increase engagement. We’ve taken the time to outline some of the changes and what you will be able to do with them.

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Save The Date! Real Estate Bar Camp NH is October 20, 2010

What are you doing on Wednesday October 20, 2010?

We highly recommend you come to Real Estate Bar Camp New Hampshire at the Mount Washington Hotel.  As with the dozens of Real Estate Bar Camps that have been organized by real estate and technology industry leaders across the country over the past three years, it’s FREE to attend!  The event is conveniently held the day after the New Hampshire Association of REALTORS fall convention.

What is REBarCamp?

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Mitch Joel is coming to Burlington VT!

Boy are we excited about this one. If you haven’t heard of Mitch Joel yet and you are a social media enthusiast, be sure to get down to the Burlington Hilton on Thursday 12th at lunchtime to catch him. As a regular subscriber to his blog Six Pixels of Separation, he keeps us ahead of the curve and has some very sage advice on what social media was, is and will be.

See some of you there!

Read the Burlington Free Press article on Mitch Joel


Earning web traffic the old fashioned way

For many businesses, launching a website feels like the finish line.  You’ve worked hard to have a final product and you’re excited to move on to other things. Unfortunately, there is no simple finish line for web success.  It’s important to celebrate a website launch, but the true test of your website is how well it works for you in the long run (how many new customers, donors, or volunteers it brings in, how much you grow your email list, how many new leads you’ve gotten).  Having a site that works for you and makes you money doesn’t just happen on its own.  What was true for Smith Barney in 1986 in the above video (go to the 20 second mark) is true for keeping your website up to date now.  Old fashioned hard work pays off, even if the tools and strategies you must learn to use in the cutting edge of the web are far from old-fashioned.

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Using Twitter Hashtags to Your Advantage

If you’re using twitter you won’t get very far without seeing someone put a ‘#’ in front of a word or phrase.  So what is this all about?  Hashtags were created to be able to monitor trends and create a simple way to search for a specific event, area, service etc.  Creating a hashtag is simple, but getting people to continue to use it is the tricky part.

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How Do You Know if Social Media Is Working?

Before we talk about how to track success with social media we quickly need to touch on how to succeed in the first place. First, social media is… you guessed it, social! You can’t treat it as a new way to push the same old message. Much of what there is to be said on this can be found in my Breaking Down the Barriers blog post, but in a nutshell, social media is a chance to give your customers a more integrated online experience.

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